Santa Claus Oath
Santa Claus Oath
Dedicated to Jim Yellig and Charles W. Howard

Drill Team and Merchandise

Commemorative Santa Claus Oath plaques with picture holder are available from Cascade Engraving in Springfield, Oregon. In an agreement with Mrs. Cindy Murdock of Cascade Engraving, 100% of the profits from the sale of these collectable keepsakes will go to benefit the work of the Palm Tree Santas Drill Team.
For more information on the Oath plaques contact Cascade Engraving at 541-746-3410 or visitwww.casacadeengraving.com
The Palm Tree Santas Drill Team was formed to honor all past and present service members and their families of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and all National Guard units as direct representatives of Santa Claus.

The Drill Team marches with the Spirit of St. Nicholas and his gifts of Love, Hope and Joy while to all men, women and children that they have the privilege of performing for. The Drill Team also handles all the Santa Claus Oath merchandise...http://www.ptsdrillteam.com/support.html

The Drill Team also acts as the official Honor Guard for the Santa Claus Oath.